
理想解类似度顺序偏好结合层级分析法于大专院校餐厅委外承办厂商 .pdf

理想解类似度顺序偏好结合层级分析法于大专院校餐厅委外承办厂商 .pdf

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管理科學研究 Vol. 10, No.1, 2016第 25-38頁 理想解類似度順序偏好結合層級分析法 於大專院校餐廳委外承辦 廠商初選模式之應用 A Study of Primary Selection Model for Caterer in Universities and Colleges Using TOPSIS and AHP 畢威寧 1 余豐榮2 (Received: Oct. 6, 2015 ;First Revision: Dec. 8, 2015 ;Accepted: Mar. 20, 2016) 摘要 大專院校餐廳委外承辦廠商的良窳攸關於全校師生的用餐安全,因此,承辦廠商的 選擇更顯重要。為求慎重,應採取初、複選制,並於初選時,建立較為客觀公正的評估 模式,期能增加選擇的精準度。本論文從文獻資料及個別訪談中,整理出每餐最大供應 人數、以往獲獎件數、人力配置數量比、每餐菜色種類、工作人員證照比、履歷食材 比、 安全食材比七項為廠商初選的評估因子,依各候選廠商於各評估準則的績效表現,在其 容許差異的範圍內,賦予適當的得分;再以層級分析法 (Analytical Hierarchy Process ,簡 稱 AHP評估因子間重要性之相對權重;最後以理想解類似度順序偏好法) (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution ,簡稱TOPSIS)加以排序,以建立廠商初選 的評估模式,並以實例說明模式的應用。 關鍵詞: 大學餐廳、廠商初選、層級分析、理想解類似度順序偏好法 ABSTRACT The quality of caterer in universities and colleges is one of the healthy issues to all the faculty and students. Therefore, the caterer selection is very important. Prudence should be taken early. So two step decision can be done when caterer selection. And a fair evaluation model can be used for the primary selection in order to increase the accuracy of choice. The seven decision criteria such as maximum number of supply per meal, past award-winning number, ratio of human resources, dishes at every meal type, ratio of staff licenses, ratio of vitae ingredients for foods, ratio of safe foods are collected from literature review and the individual interview. The evaluation scores are assigned in accordance with the performance of candidate caterer in various assessment criteria. The relative weights among these criteria were calculated by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Technique for order pre


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