企业成长的催化剂――股权激励管理(The catalyst of enterprise growth -- stock right incentive management).doc

企业成长的催化剂――股权激励管理(The catalyst of enterprise growth -- stock right incentive management).doc

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企业成长的催化剂――股权激励管理(The catalyst of enterprise growth -- stock right incentive management)

企业成长的催化剂――股权激励管理(The catalyst of enterprise growth -- stock right incentive management) In Wong Kwong Yu and Chen Xiaos Gome enterprise strategy game, there is the shadow of equity incentive, and equity incentive has become a magic weapon to win. In the securities market, equity incentive of listed companies can often achieve a blowout market for a while. Equity incentive is known as the golden handcuffs, can be handcuffed executives leaving entrepreneurship impulse. What exactly does equity incentive mean to an enterprise? Equity incentive expert Professor Zhang Xuekui think: equity incentive is the catalyst for enterprise growth! How to influence the competition between Suning and Gome? In the market competition between Suning Appliance and Gome, equity incentive has become a competitive tool. Gome Wong Kwong Yu and Chen Xiaobo Wilson in full swing on the occasion, Suning Appliance dished out the equity incentive plan in August 26, 2010. In July 21, 2004, Suning Appliance Market share issue price of 16.33 yuan, the past 6 years, Suning now the right price is about 1000 yuan. Su Ning has been growing at a high speed, equity incentive at the right time, and its incentive object can get great benefits. Sunings equity incentive has undergone 3 adjustments, eliminating a small number of executives to obtain a high number of equity incentive program, and ultimately focus on the degree of incentive Pratt whitney. The draft plan of incentive of Suning Appliance shares, intends to grant 248 people including President Jin Ming, a total of 84 million 690 thousand stock options, accounting for the total share capital of 1.21%., the exercise price of 14.5 yuan, the exercise conditions: during the 2010 -2013 years, revenue CAGR of 20%, attributable to the parent company net profit CAGR of 25%. exercise is divided into four stages, each stage of the right number of feasible stock incentive plan of this stock accounted for the total proportion of 25%. To attract attention, Sunin


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