Abstract Reasoning - Psychometric Success抽象推理u2014u2014心理的成功.pdf

Abstract Reasoning - Psychometric Success抽象推理u2014u2014心理的成功.pdf

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Abstract Reasoning - Psychometric Success抽象推理u2014u2014心理的成功

AbstrAct reAsoning—PrActice test 1 Psychometric Success Abstract Reasoning Practice Test 1 Authors: Paul Newton Helen Bristoll Copyright Page  AbstrAct reAsoning—PrActice test 1 he aptitudes and abilities measured by verbal and numeric reasoning tests can Teasily be related to real world tasks and jobs, as many jobs require some degree of skill with words and numbers. Abstract reasoning tests on the other hand, seem to consist of questions which have little or no application in the real world. Yet these types of question appear in most graduate and management aptitude tests. Why is this? Abstract reasoning tests date back to the research done by the psychologist Charles Spearman in the 1920’s. Spearman used a statistical technique called factor analysis to examine relationships between people’s scores on different types of intelligence tests. He concluded that people who do well on some intelligence tests also do well on others (e.g. vocabulary, mathematics, spatial abilities). Conversely, if people do poorly on an intelligence test, they also tended to do poorly on other intellectual tests. This led him to believe that there are one or more factors that are common to all intellectual tasks. As a result of this research Spearman developed a two-factor theory of intelligence. s Mechanical s s Verbal g Spatial Numerical g - General Ability s s



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