县价格管理工作的调研(Investigation of county price management).doc

县价格管理工作的调研(Investigation of county price management).doc

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县价格管理工作的调研(Investigation of county price management)

县价格管理工作的调研(Investigation of county price management) 2 this year, my county price management department closely around the county government center work, give full play to the price management function, vigorously regulate the price order, from the thorough investigation of illegal at various price, service outstanding price advantage, for my county economic society to achieve sustained, rapid and healthy development and create a good soft investment environment construction make a contribution. First, the status quo and problems County Price Bureau closely around the county government, urban and rural economic and social development, promote the integration of urban and rural areas , and vigorously promote the standardization of management, deepen the price reform, strengthen price law, expand the price of services, give full play to the role of the price lever to regulate the economy, boost the process of integration of urban and rural, make my county price management the work has made new breakthroughs, the price order has been standardized: 2005 for investigation of illegal cases of various price 20, year-on-year decrease of 6, down 23%; the price of services to a new level: full years to complete the prices of articles and identification of price certification 300, a year-on-year increase of 78, standard the amount of up to 2200 Yu Wanyuan, more than in 2004 more than 1600 yuan. (1) education and medical fees remain the focus. Although in recent years, the price administrative department in conjunction with the relevant departments to spend great efforts to focus on the rectification of the education, medical and other charges, the implementation of the one fee education and medical service fees publicity system, and achieved certain results, but the current urban and rural education fees, medical fees and drug prices is still the focus of the masses. Your doctor, expensive education the phenomenon still exists. From 2005 I received the price bureau to report c


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