我的世界op指令大全 不是op的别下载!!(My world OP instruction book is not OP, do not download!!).doc

我的世界op指令大全 不是op的别下载!!(My world OP instruction book is not OP, do not download!!).doc

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我的世界op指令大全 不是op的别下载!!(My world OP instruction book is not OP, do not download!!)

我的世界op指令大全 不是op的别下载!!(My world OP instruction book is not OP, do not download!!) Hee hee!!! Lala!! Ha-ha!! /gamemode 1 Give yourself a survival / creative model /tp [ID] Forced to fly to a players side /tphere [ID] Force a player to fly to you /tpall [ID] Let all players fly to you, including OP /tppos [x] [y] [z] Send to x, y, Z /vanish /op [ID] Give a player OP (this is real OP, with all the highest, all, including getting rid of someones OP and giving someone OP) /deop [ID] Eliminate a players OP /gamemode [0/1] Give yourself a survival / creative model, and some people say //gm [ID] 1 can also be given to others, but I have never tried it /whitelist add [ID] Give a player a white list /whitelist remove [ID] Access to a list of players /ban [ID] Block a player /ban [IP] Block all the addresses of this address /tempban [ID/IP] [time] Seal a ID or IP for a while, and time says, 1s is one second, 1M, one minute, 1H, one hour, 1D is 1 days, 1W, one week, Mo, month, y, year. For example, the Littlebear player was banned for 2 weeks!! Not ah ~ ~ ~! Enter /tempban Littlebear 2W /mute [ID] [time] A game player gag for a period of time /unban [ID/IP] ID or IP. /setworth [article name / article id] [quantity] Set a system price for the item, either name or ID /worth [ID] View system price Do not write items. ID defaults to checking the price of items on hand /itemdb Check the name and ID of your item This one in your hand /mail [read/clear/send] [ID] [statement] Read, clear, send, a message from an offline player /msg [statement] Private chat /near View nearby players /reply [statement] Respond to your last chat with your gamer /whois [nickname/ID] View a players user information, ID, AKF information, nick name, and if he adds Nick to himself, /seen Check the coordinates of the player before the last line /sudo [ID] [instruction] Have a player execute a command, such as /sudo Littlebear /suicide Let this player commit suicide... However, OP cannot force OP to execute comm



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