人教英语九上 句型透视.ppt

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人教英语九上 句型透视

元贝驾考网 / 元贝驾考科目四 科目一 科目三 仿真试题 金手指驾校 金手指驾驶员考试2016科目一 科目四 词 汇 点 睛 句 型 透 视 Section B 词 汇 点 睛 1 pain n. 痛苦;疼痛;苦恼 [观察] The boy cried with pain.  这个男孩痛得哭了起来。 The death of his father gave him much pain.  他父亲的去世使他很悲痛。 The ache in his back lasted for two days.  他的背痛了两天。 Section B [辨析] pain与ache (1) pain 的应用范围较广,可指轻微的痛或剧烈的痛、局部的痛或全身的痛、持续的痛或突发性的痛等,也可以用于引申义,表示精神或感情上的痛苦。 (2) ache 主要指肉体局部持续的疼痛或隐痛。 Section B 活学活用 (1)他的话让她很痛苦。 His words caused her much ________. (2)我的牙痛了一星期了。 The ________ in my tooth lasted for a week. pain ache Section B 2 look up (在词典、参考书中或通过电脑) 查阅;抬头看 [观察] I dont know the new word. Lets look it up in the dictionary. 我不认识这个新单词,咱们查一下词典吧。 [探究] look up是“动词+副词”短语,________若作其宾语,需要放在look和up________。 代词 之间 Section B [拓展] look Section B 活学活用 (  )(1)Linda, I have to go shopping now. Please ________ your little sister at home. A.look for    B.look like C.look after D.look up (  )(2)[2013·杭州] This morning I ________ some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday. A.picked up    B.looked up C.cleaned up D.gave up C B Section B 3 perform v. 表演;执行 [观察] One should always perform what one promises. 一个人应该说到做到。 She will be performing at the piano. 她将演奏钢琴。 [拓展] performer n. 演奏者 performance n. 演出 Section B 活学活用 用perform的适当形式填空 (1) The singer had never ____________ in Beijing before. (2) He is a great ____________ We like him very much. (3) Do you like the _____________ that we saw last night? performed performer performance Grammar Focus Section B 4  total n. 总数;合计  adj. 总的;全体的 [搭配] in total 总共;合计 活学活用 他的计划以彻底失败告终。 His plan ended______ _________ failure. in total


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