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23   1                        2003  1 Vol.23 No.1           BULLET IN OF BOTANICA L RESEA RCH Jan.,  2003 、 马全林 王继和 金红喜 吴春荣 张盹明 (, 733000)   绵刺是一种古老孑遗的单种属植物, 被国家列为首批二级保护植物, 具有极其重要的 学研究价值。在分析总结多年的调查研究资料后, 从绵刺形态特征、群落数量特征、繁殖特征及其 生境等多 个方面对绵刺的生物、生态学特征进行了研究。研究结果表明, 好的生境中, 绵刺的形态 变异性大;在环境因子中, 对水分的敏感性和依赖性最强, 同时其分布和生长也受土壤类型和土壤 盐分等的限制, 生态适应性表现为耐高温、耐寒冷、耐瘠薄、适干旱、喜偏碱性环境;有三种繁殖方 式, 且三种方式的繁殖都比较困难, 这是造成绵刺处于稀有状态的最主要原因。  保护植物;绵刺;生态学特征;群落 BIOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NATIONAL SECONDARY PROTECTION SPECIES—P OTANINIA M ON GOLI CA MAXIM MA Quan-Lin WANG Ji-H  JIN Hong-Xi  W U Chun-Rong  ZHANG Dun-Ming (Gansu D s rt Control R s arch Institut , Wuw i 733000) Abstract  Potan in ia mongolica Maxim is on of anci nt and survivor sp ci s, b longing to singl - sp ci s Potan in ia g nus of Rosac family .It has b n classifi d as th national s condary prot ction sp ci s in 1980s.For a long tim past, b caus of natur nvironm nt w ors n and man-mad dam- ag , its distributiv zon that is v ry narrow and small b com s small r day by day, th numb r of th sp ci s r duc rapidly and its ndang r d d gr b com s mor s rious.For this, it is v ry important to study on biological and cological charact ristics of Potan in ia mongolica M axim.By analyzing and summarizing mat rials inv stigat d and r s arch d for s v ral y ars, th biological and cological char- act ristics of Potan in ia mongolica Maxim w r r s arch d on its morphological charact ristics, com- munity quantitativ charact ristics, cological adaptability and propagation charact ristics.Und r good condition, th vari ty of modality is larg .In all


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