Global chocolate market analysis, post a major (全球巧克力市场分析,文章主要).pdf

Global chocolate market analysis, post a major (全球巧克力市场分析,文章主要).pdf

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Global chocolate market analysis, post a major (全球巧克力市场分析,文章主要)

Global chocolate market analysis, post a major acquisition in the market Client  A Leading Management Consulting Firm  The client wanted to understand the impact of a major Objective acquisition in the Global Chocolate industry, focusing on specific areas where its client would be affected  The report enabled the client to provide strategic insights to its client on how to maintain and further strengthen its position Client  Enabled the client to map the position of the key players in the Impact industry and probable market position of the new entity  Porter’s Five Forces analysis highlighted the effect of acquisition on competition level and potential entry barriers 1 Table of Contents  Strategic Analysis of the New Entity (formed after the MA) ‒ Global footprint, resilient product range and dominant market position ‒ Quality control issues - A major concern area ‒ Increasing presence into newer segments ‒ Capitalizing strong position in emerging markets ‒ Joint entity expected to protect and expand innovation pipeline; launch smaller packages with a more economical pricing, and focus on emerging economies  Industry Landscape: Porter Five Force Analysis ‒ Low threat from new entrants as launching a company would require huge investment ‒ Very high rivalry within the global chocolate industry ‒ Leading industry players have a lot of cash to spend, so intense competition ‒ Margins are fairly similar for most companies  Competitor Comparison: Strategy and Market Position ‒ Industry is at a level playing field overall with some regional variations ‒ The new entity expected to introduce new products and improve existing ones ‒ Ha


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