多功能吉赫兹横电磁波小室设计 - 南京师范大学学报(工程技术版).pdf

多功能吉赫兹横电磁波小室设计 - 南京师范大学学报(工程技术版).pdf

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多功能吉赫兹横电磁波小室设计 - 南京师范大学学报(工程技术版)

10 1 ( ) V ol. 10 No. 1 2010 3 JOURNA L OF NAN JING NORMA L U N IV ER S ITY ( ENG INEER ING AN D T ECHNOLOGY ED IT ION) M ar, 2010 多功能吉赫兹横电磁波小室设计 1, 2 1 1 1 赵 阳 , 颜 伟, 罗永超, 戎 融 ( 1. , 2 10042; 2. , 2 10096 ) [ ] GTEM ( ) EM S ( ) , EM I( ) . EM S EM I, GT EM , GT EM , GT EM . GTEM / 0, ( ) . , GT EM , . [ ] , , GTEM , , [ ] O 44. 1 [] A [] 1672-1292( 2010) 01-000 1-04 D esign ofM u ltifunctional G iga H ertz Tran sverse E lectrom agnetic C ell 1, 2 1 1 1 Z hao Yang , Y anW e i, Luo Yongchao , Rong Rong ( 1. S chool of E lectr cal and A utom at on Eng neer ng, N anj ng N orm al U n vers ty, N anj ng 2 10042, Ch na; 2. S tate K ey Laboratory of M llm eterW aves, S outheast U n vers ty, N anj ng 2 10096, C h na) A bstrac t: Currently, EM S ( E lectrom agne t c Su scept b l ty) test s mo stly u sed n G TEM ( G ga he rtz T ransverse E lec- trom agnet c) ce lls a re but EM I ( E lectromagnet c Interference) test s st ll rarely u sed there. A mu lt- func t ona l GTEM ce ll s presented n th s pape r, w h ch can not only be u sed n EM S and EM Im easurem ents, but a lso can be u sed n h gh frequency c rcu ts m echan sm analys s. It presents the des gn m e thod and the m easurem ent pr nc ple of the GTEM cel,l and descr bes how to u se the GTEM ce ll to m plem ent the m echan sm of rad a t on d agnos s o f h gh- frequency c rcu ts. T he GTEM ce ll s des gned by /


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