生育支持对女性职业中断的缓冲作用 - 中国研究服务中心.pdf

生育支持对女性职业中断的缓冲作用 - 中国研究服务中心.pdf

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生育支持对女性职业中断的缓冲作用 - 中国研究服务中心

2014 年7 月 妇女研究论丛 July. 2014 第4 期 总第124 期 Collection of Women ’s Studies No.4 Ser.No.124 生育支持对女性职业中断的缓冲作用* ———以第三期中国妇女社会地位调查为基础 黄桂霞 ( 全国妇联妇女研究所,北京100730) 关键词:生育支持;职业中断;缓冲作用 摘 要:因生育中断职业是女性职业发展的一大障碍。对第三期中国妇女社会地位调查数据的分析发现,政府、用人单位通 过提供相应的生育保险和社会服务,家庭通过分担婴幼儿的照顾等对女性生育的支持,可以在一定程度上降低女性的职业中断 比例。针对当前政府和用人单位在女性遇到生育和职业发展冲突时支持明显不足的现状,应不断完善生育保险,降低女性生育 成本,解除职业女性生育的后顾之忧;不断增强托幼园所建设尤其是社区托幼等公共服务支持,建立支持妇女就业的工作与家 庭平衡机制,以降低女性因生育而中断职业的可能性,促进女性平等就业。 中图分类号:C9123 文献标识:A 文章编号:1004-2563 (2014)04-0027-07 The Buffering Function of Reproduction Support in Womens Career Break —Based on the Third Issue of Chinese Womens Social Status Investigation Report —— HUANG Gui-xia (Womens Studies Institute of China at All-China Womens Federation, Beijing 100730, China) Key words: reproduction support; career break; buffering Abstract: Reproduction break is a major obstacle in womens career development. According to the Third Issue of Chinese Womens Social Status Investigation Report, the ratio of womens career break, to some extent, could be reduced by either relevant reproduction insurance and social service provided by government and employing units or the reproduction support from families which could share responsibility of taking care of infants and children. The status quo of the apparently inefficient support for dealing with the conflict between womens reproduction and career development by the current government and employing units has showed that they should consistently perfect their reproduction insurance, and reduce womens reproductio


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