同步练习专业知识儿科答案(Simultaneous practice; professional knowledge; pediatric answers).doc

同步练习专业知识儿科答案(Simultaneous practice; professional knowledge; pediatric answers).doc

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同步练习专业知识儿科答案(Simultaneous practice; professional knowledge; pediatric answers) 1, children, male, 2 years old, 4 months. With headache, fever, vomiting and irritability, and diagnosed with purulent meningitis, the following measures of care are correct A. with temperatures above 37.5 degrees Celsius, shall be within 30 minutes the temperature dropped to normal root B. to prevent vomiting, fasting C. does not need to record 24 hours of entry and exit, and D. encourages visits and caregivers E. in order to reduce interference, avoid turning over for children A. influenza virus B. adenovirus C. Coxsackie A group viruses D. respiratory syncytial virus E. hemolytic streptococcus 2, a common cause of herpangina is a pathogen A. B. x C. root D. E. 3, cause pharynx to combine phlogistic film phlogistic, common pathogen is... A. * B. * C. D. E. 4. The common causative agent of bronchiolitis is A. B. C. D. B. E. 5, neonatal scleredema skin lesion is the order of occurrence A. thigh and leg, upper limbs, buttocks, legs, thighs, hips B. cheeks, cheeks, upper limbs tick C. legs, thighs, upper limbs, hips, cheeks, D. thighs, calves, hips, upper limbs, cheeks E. thighs, calves, cheeks, hips, upper limbs Reason 6, breast fed infants rickets with milk is milk feeding of children A. contains vitamin D more than B., calcium more C. D. containing calcium and phosphorus ratio appropriate B. E. is rich in nutrients A. airway isolation B. intestinal isolation C. secretion isolation D. tight isolation E.APB isolation 7, with children, 7 years old, in the measles rash, should be implemented A. root B. C. D. E. 8 children, male, 3 years old, shock symptoms, pus and blood stool, stool culture detection of Shigella, the corresponding A. B. B. C. * D. E. 9, varicella virus can survive in the herpes fluid for a long time, so children with varicella in addition to the need for respiratory isolation, but also to take A. B. C. root D. E. 10, the left edge of the sternum, second intercostal sound an


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