外资零售巨头兵临城下,民族零售业路在何方(The foreign retail giant national retail Road in the enemy approached the walls, where).doc

外资零售巨头兵临城下,民族零售业路在何方(The foreign retail giant national retail Road in the enemy approached the walls, where).doc

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外资零售巨头兵临城下,民族零售业路在何方(The foreign retail giant national retail Road in the enemy approached the walls, where) With the rapid development of China economy, increasing income, China domestic retail consumer market continues to expand, which also attracted Carrefour, WAL-MART, Metro and other large multinational retail giants have entered China, China retail (retail special: Carrefours development process: Carrefour opened its first hypermarket in China in 1995; In 2002, Carrefour opened 35 hypermarkets in 20 cities; In 2003, Carrefour opened fortieth outlets in Hangzhou and a discount store in Shanghai and Beijing; In 2004, champion supermarket opened its first branch in china; Carrefour opened sixtieth outlets in Chongqing, China, in 2005; 2009 opened 18 stores, as of January 20, 2010, Carrefour, Chinas mainland stores totaled 157. The development of WAL-MART: WAL-MART entered China in 1996 and opened the first WAL-MART shopping plaza and Sam member store in Shenzhen. In 2008, WAL-MART achieved sales of 27 billion 800 million yuan in China, an increase of 30.6% over the previous year. In terms of sales, it ranked eleventh among Chinas top 100 department stores. As of May 7, 2009, has opened 146 stores in the city a total of 89, while the acquisition of 35% equity and trust 102 trust Mart stores, has become the largest foreign retail enterprises Chinese. Carrefour and WAL-MART in the China success for many reasons, but the two is summed up in the localization than other foreign multinational giants are more successful, the most fundamental factor which is the two success in the China. Some similarities between the two in localization: First, refuse flashy, decoration simple and simple, and strive to create low-cost competitiveness. The China is very competitive, some retailers have attempted to use a luxurious environment to try to install advanced new in order to be different, the floor, very spacious channel, and exquisite ceiling, in the store to create a more attra


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