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体育运动与自由基及抗氧化剂 周迎松 (宁波大学体育学院 315211) 摘要 活性氧(ROS)的产生是需氧生物生命的正常过程。在生理的条件下,这些有毒性的物质大部分会被抗氧化系统清除掉,这个系统主要有具有抗氧化作用的维生素、蛋白质、硫醇和抗氧化酶组成。由于体内的抗氧化系统储备相当有限,在紧张的体育训练会引起大量的氧消耗,从而产生大量的ROS对抗氧化系统进行考验。在一场急性的高强度的训练中,可以刺激抗氧化酶的活性。这被认为在氧化压力下细胞的自我防御体系。然而,长时间的高负荷的训练会引起体内组织维生素E减少与谷光甘肽(GSH)与谷光甘肽过氧化物(GSSG)比率的改变。缺少抗氧化剂的营养物质会出现阻碍抗氧化系统,增加训练引起氧化压力,破坏体内的组织。长时间训练似乎可以使体内抗氧化物酶的活性增加和体内的GSH含量的提高。最近研究表明,补充抗氧化营养物质对于长期训练的运动员是非常必要的。 关键词:自由基,抗氧化剂,训练,活性氧 Physical activity and free redicals and antioxidant Zhou ying-song (Physical department of Ningbo university 315211). Abstract Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a normal process in the life of aerobic organis-ms. Under physiological conditions, these deleterious species are mostly removed by the cellular antioxidant systems, which include antioxidant vitamins, protein and non-protein thiols, and anti-oxidant enzymes. Since the antioxidant reserve capacity in most tissues is rather marginal, strenuous physical exercise characterized by a remarkable increase in oxygen consumption with concomitant production of ROS presents a challenge to the antioxidant systems. An acute bout of exercise at sufficient intensity has been shown to stimulate activities of antioxidant enzymes. This could be considered as a defensive mechanism of the cell under oxidative stress. However, prolonged heavy exercise may cause a transient reduction of tissue vitamin E content and a change of glutathione redox status in various body tissues. Deficiency of antioxidants n-utrients appears to hamper antioxidant systems and augment exercise-induced oxidative stress and tissue damage. Chronic exercise training seems to induce activities of antioxidant enzymes and perhaps stimulate GSH levels in body fluids. Recent research suggest that supplementation of certain antioxidant nutrients are necessary for physically active individuals. Key word: free redicals, antioxidants, exercise,reactive oxygen species 1 前言 高强度高负荷的运动训练使整个机体尤其骨骼肌对氧气的摄入急剧增长。大部分氧气消耗是在线粒体中进行的,同时合成ATP。很多研究已经表明


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