Chapter 9-中枢神经系统档案.PPT

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The term mood 心情;情感 refers to a pervasive 蔓延的 and sustained 持續的 inner emotion that affects a person’s perception of the world 影響個人對環境的知覺 In the healthy people, moods can be normal, elated 興高采烈的, or depressed 抑鬱的, and people generally feel that they have some degree of control over their moods 健康的人對於心情有一定程度 的控制能力 The sense of control is lost 失去控制的感覺, in the mood disorders 情感疾病, which include depressive disorders 憂鬱 and bipolar disorders 雙極性情感疾病(躁鬱症) Along with schizophrenia, the mood disorders present the major psychiatric illness 精神疾病 today 精神分裂症及情感性疾病是目前 主要的精神性疾病 The mood disorders: depressions and bipolar disorders 資料來源:Vander’s Human Physiology Depressive disorders (depression) 憂鬱 is associated with decreased neuronal activity and metabolism in the anterior part of the limbic system 邊緣系統 and nearby prefrontal cortex 前額葉皮質 These same brain regions show abnormalities 相同的腦部區域不正常, albeit inconsistent ones 雖然不是同一個地方, in bipolar disorders The term bipolar disorders 雙極性情感疾病 describes swings 改變 between manna 躁症 and depression 鬱症 Although the major biogenic amine neurotransmitters (NE, dopamine, and 5-HT) and acetylcholine have all been implicated 都有參與, the causes of the mood disorders are unknown 原因未明 Current treatment 治療 of the mood disorders emphasizes drugs and psychotherapy 精神療法 Depressions and bipolar disorders 資料來源:Vander’s Human Physiology The classical antidepressant drugs 抗憂鬱藥 are of three types: The tricyclic antidepressant drugs (TCA) 三環抗憂鬱藥 such as Elavil?, Norpramin?, and Sinequan? interfere with 5-HT and/or NE reuptake by presynaptic endings 抑制5-HT及NE的再回收 The monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) 單胺氧化酶抑制劑 interfere with the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of these same two neurotransmitters 抑制5-HT及NE的代謝酶 The serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) 選擇性的血清胺再回收 抑制劑 are the most widely used antidepressant drugs and include Prozac? (百憂解), Paxil?, Zoloft In all three cla


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