238 名护理毕业生择业心态调查 - 首席医学网.pdf

238 名护理毕业生择业心态调查 - 首席医学网.pdf

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238 名护理毕业生择业心态调查 - 首席医学网

5·74 · 护理研究 2002 年 10 月第 16 卷第 10 期  CHINESE NURSING RESEARCH October ,2002 Vol. 16 No. 10 ·调查研究· 238 名护理毕业生择业心态调查 贾长宽  黄晓燕 摘要 : 为了解护理毕业生 A S urve y of State of Min d in Ch o osin g Prof es sio n of 238 的择业心态 , 以引导其成 功就业 ,用自行设计的问 Gra d uate d N ursin g St u de nts 卷调查表从理想的就业制 Jia Changkuan , Huang Xiaoyan ( Chenzhou Higher Medical Training School of Hunan Province , Hunan 423000 China) 度等 6 方面对 238 名护生 进行调查。结果 : 护生群 体择业心态有以下特点 : Abstract :To understand the state of mind in choosing profession of graduated nursing students 择业中的专业思想、自主 and to guide them to take up an occupation successfully , 238 of graduated nursing students were 意识、勇于进取的精神较 investigated on six aspects such as an ideal getting employment system etc. via filling out self - 强 ,但也存在着不良心态 , designed questionnaire. Results showed that the state of mind in choosing profession of nursing 如盲目心态、功利心态、求 students was with some characteristics as follows : they have stronger professional thinking , high 全心态、依赖心态等。提 er consciousness of acting on one ’s own , and they are bold to keep forging ahead. On the other 示 :医学院校要一如既往 hand , there were some unhealthy factors in their state of mind such as blindness , utility , de 地对护生进行思想教育 , manding perfection , and of dependent. Suggested that medical colleges or schools should carry 加强择业指导 , 并尽力为 out ideological education among students , strengthen the guiding in choosing profession. Medical 其创造就业机会 , 并望得 schools or colleges should also try to create some opportunities for students to take up an occupa 到全社


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