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美国广播媒介的发展 美国广播电台的类型 1 专业台 绝大多数广播电台属于专业台,即以某一类型和主题的节目作为该电台的主体节目。 2 综合台 极少部分独立电台和三大广播公司所属的部分电台。这种电台既播放新闻类节目,还播放各种广播剧、娱乐节目、竞猜节目、音乐节目等。 专业台以专业特色取胜,综合台以多样性取胜。 美国的广播节目多是类型化节目,即一家电台主要播出一种类型的节目。 Formats for Specific Audiences(类型化) 目前,美国绝大部分的广播电台(风格电台)都是靠流行的音乐节目和受欢迎的节目主持人来吸引听众。 Radio stations today offer a wide range of formats, each geared to attract a narrow segment of the population. As the number of listeners dropped, local stations switched more to recorded music. Far cheaper than producing programs Alan Freed (1921-1965) Gordon McLendon(1921-1986) Alan Freed Father of Rock and Roll“ an American disc-jockey (DJ) In the 1950s he pitched rock’n’roll He was not the first to play it on the airwaves, but is credited for coining and popularizing the term Rock and Roll to describe a style of music. His career was destroyed by the payola scandal that hit the broadcasting industry in the early 1960s. Gordon McLendon the creator of format radio and one of the most innovative programmers Top 40 (on his KLIF,during the 1950s and 1960s) Format that replays pop records beautiful music(on his KABL,in 1959) all-news (the founder of the first all-news radio station in XTRA in Tijuana , 1961 ) Radio News By the 1990s radio had become primarily an entertainment medium with low-cost programming based on playing records. The fact is that fewer stations offer news. Despite the decline of radio news, there are bright spots. National Public Radio (NPR) NPR was created in 1970. NPR produces and distributes news and cultural programming. NPR allows reporters the airtime to tell their stories thoroughly and in depth. flagship programs are two drive time news broadcasts Morning Edition All Things Considered Paul Harvey Paul Harvey News and Comment (ABC Radio Networks ) was first broadcast nationally in 1951 and continued into the 21st century, making Harvey one of the longest-lasting and best-known voices on American radio. Harveys program -- an idiosyncratic mix of


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