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第 10 章 測量 學習目標 讀完本章你應該了解: 1 區別測量的對象、特性及其指標之異同。 2 四類測量的異同與使用時機。 3 測量誤差的四個主要來源。 4 評估測量好壞的準則。 測量的重要性 測量 測量的特性 測量尺度的類型 名目尺度 互斥且週延,但無順序、距離或原點 只有分類的特性 測量尺度的類型(續) 順序尺度 分類及順序,但無距離或原點 決定大於或小於 測量尺度的類型(續) 區間尺度 分類、順序及距離,但無原點 區間或距離是否相等 測量尺度的類型(續) 比率尺度 分類、順序、距離及原點 例子 體重 身高 孩童數目 由調查問題轉換成測量問題 誤差來源 評估測量工具 效度的分類 提升內容效度 效度的分類(續) 提升構念效度 效度的分類(續) 判斷效標關聯效度 理解效度和信度 估計信度 可行性 關鍵詞 內部效度(internal validity) 區間尺度(interval scale) 映射規則(mapping rules) 測量(measurement) 名目尺度(nominal scale) 對象(objects) 順序尺度(ordinal scale) 可行性(practicality) 屬性(properties) 比率尺度(ratio scale) 信度(reliability) 等值性(equivalence) 內部一致性(internal consistency) 穩定性(stability) 效度(validity) 構念(construct)效度 內容(content)效度 效標關聯(criterion- related)效度 Exhibit 10-4 While Exhibit 10-3 summarized the characteristics of all the measurement scales. Exhibit 10-4, shown in the slide, illustrates the process of deciding which type of data is appropriate for one’s research needs. The researcher must ensure that the validity criterion used is itself valid. Any criterion measure must be judged in terms of the four qualities named in the slide. A criterion is relevant if it is defined and scored in the terms the researchers judge to be the proper measures. Freedom from bias is attained when the criterion gives each unit of interest an opportunity to score well. A reliable criterion is stable or reproducible. Finally, the information specified by the criterion must be available. The scientific requirements of a project call for the measurement process to be reliable and valid, while the operational requirements call for it to be practical. Practicality has been defined as economy, convenience, and interpretability. There is generally a trade-off between the ideal research project and the budget. A measuring device passes the convenience test if it is easy to administer. The interpretability aspect of practicality is releva


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