Black Magic Tantra(黑魔法坦陀罗).pdf

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Black Magic Tantra(黑魔法坦陀罗)

Black Magic Tantra The Vital Energy Method All Contents Copyright 2009 – BlackMagicT Hello, and thanks for downloading “Black Magic Tantra – The Vital Energy Method.” This is the exact routine that my friend Dr. Weger used to “cleanse” himself sexually before beginning any of the methods described in Black Magic Tantra. Vital Energy has been defined by the Swami Chetanananda as: “the source of all experience, from the subtlest experience of yourself to the most distant experience of space. Tantra speaks to the total integration of the subjective and the objective. Tantra says “I” and “it” are one, unified in Consciousness.” The Vital Energy Method can be considered an extreme form of sex transmutation. “Sex transmutation” is defined as: “the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.” The difference with this method is that you’re switching your mind from thoughts of physical expression now to thoughts of “some other nature” and of physical expression in the future. Discipline is required to complete this – you won’t be able to ejaculate for six (6) days. Trust me, it is worth it. You’ll not only feel “cleansed” sexually but feel better overall. It’s quite simple as well. Day One (5 – 10 minutes) Before going to sleep, disrobe and lay on your bed. Think about things that get you aroused (please don’t email me about these thoughts!), but do not touch yourself in any way. Once you’ve become aroused (after two and a half to five minutes) start focusing on positive thoughts. Imagine your ideal self, the goals you wish to accomplish, the type of life you’d like to lead. After focusing on positive thoughts for two and a half to five minutes you’re done for the first evening. Day Two (10-20 minutes) As with last night, before going to sleep, disrobe a



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