2013 汉英翻译 主语选择课件.ppt

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2013 汉英翻译 主语选择课件

Determining the Subject of a Sentence;钱你不用还了。 这锅饭能吃十个人。 这匹马骑着两个人。 被人缠上是件讨厌的事儿。 老子打儿子, 天经地义。 上面坐着主席团。 从她那儿能找到解决问题的办法。 说的是古代的一个老头,名叫愚公。;You don’t have to pay it back/repay the money. This pot of rice can feed ten people. On the horse were riding two people. It is annoying to be pestered/troubled. It is perfectly justified for a father to beat his own son. On the platform were sitting the members of the presidium. We can turn to her for a solution. The story is about an old man named Yugong in ancient times. ;给国家纳税是天经地义的事。 It is only right and proper that we should pay taxes to the state.;1.1 汉英主谓结构的差异;主题VS.主语;汉语主语(被陈述的话题);七大主要英语的主语;时间主语 (temporal subject): Yesterday was Monday. 事件主语 (eventive subject): The dispute over the problem lasted a decade. it作主语,表时间、气候或距离: It is very late. It’s very hot in summer here. It 作形式主语: It is impossible to finish the paper in ten minutes.;1.2 主语选择的原则;1. 2. 1 无主句翻译,添加必要的主语;只可惜宫粉涂不平脸上的皱纹,看起来好像驴粪蛋上下了霜。 *Unfortunately powder could not smooth over her wrinkled face; it looked 1ike a frosted donkey turd. Unfortunately powder could not smooth over her wrinkled face. It only made it look like a frosted donkey turd. ;得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到 Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing. ;6 不要有了新亲,把旧亲忘个干净!这种没良心的人我见多了!--《围城》 Once you have new relatives, don’t forget the old ones. I’ve seen too many such ungrateful people.;沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。--《纪念刘和珍君》 Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence!;1. 2. 2 主语必须是句中应该突出的信息;人们已把李白的诗集译成了多种外国文字。 The collection of Li Bai’s poems has been translated into many foreign languages. 到去年年底,上海已与好几个国家签订了建造拉索桥的合同或协议。 By the end of last year,contracts or agreements were signed with some countries for the construction of chain bridges in Shanghai.;上海采取了一系列的优惠政策来吸引外资。 A series of preferential policies have been adopted in Shanghai to attract foreign capital. 5. 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。 A carefully bedded flower may not blossom while a casually planted


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