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  中西方高等院校教学方法的比较----高等教育论文 --I. Introduction 引言 接受高等教育在人取得成功之前是非常重要的。它也被认为是最先进的教育。教学方法已经给中国和西方的高等教育机构做出了很大的贡献。多年来,人们一直在谈论如何改善这一领域。教师在大学一直致力于充分了解如何为社会创造更多的优秀人才。现在,在中国,越来越多的家长决定送孩子出国接受高等教育。 Higher education is very important for people to receive before they can get success. It is also regarded as the most advanced education. The teaching methods have given a great contribution to both of Chinese and prove in this field. Teachers in universities have been ore talents for society. For noore and more parents decide to send their children abroad for higher education. In many people’s eyes, the Chinese ost Chinese parents have been telling their children to respect and listen to the teachers, so e task in class, they quickly bee very good at being part of the group. ethods in Chinese and ore recently, China’s Cultural Revolution took a toll on higher education in the country. From 1967 to 1976 the enrollment of post-secondary students dropped dramatically, from 674,400 to 47,800. From the 1980’s on, Chinese -- higher education has undergone a series of reforms that have sloprovement. 2.1 Features of Teaching Methods in Chinese Higher Education The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China has said that higher education in China has played a significant role in the economic groent in the country “by bringing up large scale of advanced talents and experts for the construction of socialist modernization”. oral Teaching The Chinese education system has aloral teaching. Mao Zedong said “a given culture is the ideological reflection of the politics and economy of a given society”. Long before that, Confucius’s moral system taught us that one ore righteous person if one based one’s life upon follos of “Chinese teaching methodology”, these present the notion that this is a country ethods in China has been that the teacher should be the voice heard in the classroom. The students should listen, note doit all of this to memory. And the exams are according to the teach


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