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Roger Chillingworth Overall, Roger Chillingworth is a sneaky, hypocritical, and cunning scumbag who has strong desire for revenge; a heinous fiend(魔鬼) of “Satan” type ;accomplice of the church officials; an executioner who Dimmesdale in death; his perverted avenge style is simply creepy, but it may be the sake of ‘people are born good’, to read carefully, we find that the demon who also has some good qualities: be responsible for work as a doctor, has loyalty to love as a husband, and he was a true and just people. But the former aspect of an intellectual and?studious?man, calm and quiet, which was what she best remembered in him, had altogether vanished, and been succeeded by an eager, searching, almost fierce, yet carefully guarded look A fiend of Satan type Slight deformity of the figure “He has small in stature, with a furrowed visage…” “…that one of this man’s shoulders rose higher than the other.” ? “Hester Prynne looked at the man of skill, and even then, with her fate hanging in the balance, was startled to perceive what a change had come over his features- how much uglier they were- how his dark complexion seemed to have grown duskier, and his figure more misshapen- since the days when she had familiarly known him.” 总体看来,罗格·齐灵渥斯是一位心理阴暗、虚伪、狡诈、复仇欲望强烈的卑鄙小人,十恶不赦“撒旦”式的恶魔,教会官吏的帮凶,是置丁梅斯代尔于死地的刽子手;他变态式的复仇方法简直让人毛骨悚然,但可能是‘人之初,性本善’的缘故,细细读来,我们不难发现,这位恶魔身上也有一些优秀品质:恪尽职守的医生,忠于爱情的丈夫,并且曾经他是一个善良正直的人。 “撒旦”式的恶魔 轻微畸形的外表 他身材矮小,满脸皱纹 他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高 他的外貌发生了很大变化,越发畸形了。 Evil and hypocritical heart “…She saw that he stood on the?verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. It was impossible to doubt, that, whatever painful?efficacy?there might be in the secret sting of?remorse, a deadlier?venom had been infused into it by the hand that?proffered relief. A secret enemy had been continually by his side, under the semblance of a friend and helper, and had availed himself of the opportunities thus afforded for tampering with the?delicate?sp


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