Unit 1Greco-Roman Mythology课件.ppt

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Unit 1Greco-Roman Mythology课件

Chaos and his five children;Chaos(卡俄斯);Gaea(盖亚);Tartarus(塔耳塔洛斯);Erebus(俄瑞波斯);Nyx(尼克斯);Three Children of Erebus Nyx;Aether (埃忒耳)Sky;Hemera(赫墨拉)Daylight;Charon (卡戎); In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon (English pronunciation:?/?k?r?n/, /?k?r?n/; Greek Χ?ρων) is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead. A coin to pay Charon for passage, usually an obolus or danake, was sometimes placed in or on the mouth of a dead person. Some authors say that those who could not pay the fee, or those whose bodies were left unburied, had to wander the shores for one hundred years. ;Eros(厄洛斯)Love Sex;Uranus and Gaea;Offspring of Gaea;Uranus(乌拉诺斯)First King;Pontus (蓬托斯)Ocean;Ourea (乌瑞亚)Mountain;12 Titans (泰坦/提坦);Influential Titans;Cronus (克洛诺斯)Second King ;Rhea (瑞亚)Time;Coeus (科俄斯)Darkness Intelligence;Phoebe (福柏/菲碧)Moon;Oceanus (俄刻阿诺斯)Streams Rivers;Tethys (忒提斯)Goddess of Sea Oceans ;Iapetus (伊阿珀托斯)Soul;Klymene (克吕墨涅)Goddess of Sea;Cyclops (独目巨人); Hecatonchires (百臂巨人) ;Typhon is the final son of Gaia, fathered by Tartarus, and is the most deadly monster of Greek mythology. Typhon was known as the Father of all monsters; his wife Echidna was likewise the Mother of All Monsters.“ Typhon was described as one of the largest and most fearsome of all creatures. His human upper half reached as high as the stars. His hands reached east and west and had a hundred dragon heads on each. He was feared even by the mighty gods. His bottom half was gigantic viper coils that could reach the top of his head when stretched out and made a hissing noise. His whole body was covered in wings, and fire flashed from his eyes. ;Typhon attempts to destroy Zeus at the will of Gaia, because Zeus had imprisoned the Titans and defeated the Gigantes. Typhon initially overcome Zeus in their first battle, and tore out Zeus sinews. However, Hermes recovered the sinews and restored them to


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