Unit5 meetings课件.ppt

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Unit5 meetings课件

Unit5 meetings;Taylor Swift- you belong with me; If a meeting is to be productive, it should have a clear _______ that all the participants know and understand. You should appoint ____________ who manages and controls the meeting. You must write _________,or list of items and send it______________________. They should __________the meeting and come to it with ideas to contribute. You have to______________ to each point, otherwise there is a risk that some of the items will not be dealt with at all. You should limit the meeting to _______. If not, you have to _____________ into the agenda. You don’t need to invite ________________________ to each meeting. But you should send other _________________ the minutes, or summary of what was discussed. The minutes should include a clear summary of important points-you don’t have to include everything at the meeting. However, you need to include actions ___________ at the meeting. Lastly, the minutes should be sent within twenty-four hours. It is essential to keep _____________ and future actions clear in everyone’s mind.;会议知多少?;Symposium:它的复数形式为Symposiums 或者Symposia。专指特殊学术讨论的集会。某种特定领域的专家,学者和与会者探讨一个特定的主题。与Conference相比较,Symposium一般更狭义特指某一范围。在规模上专题会比Conference小,类似forum,但参与人数较多,会期2-3天,而且较正式。 Seminar 学术会议:通常是类似课堂的会议,一群专家藉一次或一系列集会来达到训练或进修的目的。不同于一般情况的会议,主要由发言者演示,同时其它的人先听之后参与讨论或发问。在这种意义上,一个学术会议可看成演讲加讨论--讨论通常跟在演讲后面。 Forum:论坛实际上是一种公众集会,在那里人们交换思想,讨论问题,特别是重要的公众问题。举例:亚洲经济论坛会。 Workshop研习会:由几个人进行密集讨论的集会,通常需当场作练习,如:国际礼仪、站姿等等。 Panel Discussion 座谈:座谈成员是一群专家,对于专门课题提出观点再进行座谈,并且有一位主持人。 Assembly 集会:正式的全体集会,参加者以组织成员为主,固定时间及地点定期举行。 ;Classifications of meetings;Vocabulary buildup;Every meeting needs an a________. The secretary keeps the m_________. Before the main meeting we had a short b__________ meeting. At 12:30 we decide to a________ for lunch. Mr. Black will address the meeting on my b_________. No one voted against- the decision was u________. There are a few more m________ items to discuss.;1) Opening a Meeting;2) Controlling a Meeting;3


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