3d材质详解及实例(3D material details and examples).doc

3d材质详解及实例(3D material details and examples).doc

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3d材质详解及实例(3D material details and examples)

3d材质详解及实例(3D material details and examples) Detailed material and examples about max! Detailed and examples of Max material 1, 2D map (1) Adobe (2) in filter PS Plug Image processing filters, this mapping allows the use of special effects filters in PS (such as KPT) can generate texture mapping and bitmap processing. (3) Adobe Premiere video filter Video filters, different textures, allowing video using premiere filter to show map attention filters when installed to install in a separate directory, in order to use Max (4) bitmap Bitmap, (5) bricks Brick, (6) checker -- X -- produce white checkerboard grid interlaced pattern (7), (8) for the production of brick walls, floor tiles and orderly texture (9) Combustion (10) combustion -- with the discreets combustion software to use (11) gradient - gradient - generated color gradient effect, (12) a straight and taper ray two, (13) (14) gradient ramp -- the gradual extension -- produced a multicolor gradient effect, (15) to provide up to 12 types of texture, (16) is often used for making the surface of the stone, the sky (17), (18) surface material (19) the vortex image swirl -- vortex generation two colors (20), but also the two map, (21) is used to simulate the water vortex, (22) the effect of nebula 2, 3D map (1) cellular - cell -- in addition to outside of the cell is often used to simulate stone wall (2), (3) the cobbles and even objects such as the effect of the sea (4) dent - dent - can produce a kind of weathering and erosion effect, (5) commonly used in the bump map, do rock, (7) the effect of rusty metal Falloff -- -- produce two-color transition attenuation effect, (9) (or two map) often with opacity (cut) mapping to use (10) to produce transparent attenuation effect, (11) for the production of crystal (12), (13) the sun light, neon lights, etc. (14) eye, (15) also commonly used with mask (mask) and mix (mixed) map, (16) make some more material fusion or covering effect, (17) (18) marble - marble -- rock fault e



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