《促织》教学设计(朱勇)(The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong)).doc

《促织》教学设计(朱勇)(The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong)).doc

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《促织》教学设计(朱勇)(The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong))

《促织》教学设计(朱勇)(The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong)) The teaching design of Cricket (Zhu Yong) Type: collect resources to join time: May 30, 2006 17:20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cricket teaching design Xinjin middle school Zhu Yong instructional objective 1, the appreciation of the novel style, unique artistic charm, ups and downs, P story, delicate psychological description. 2, in-depth excavation of the connotation of the works. 3, the classical induction phenomenon, study and grasp the law of classical Chinese words. The idea of teaching 1. according to the actual text and the characteristics of senior high school students, the teaching focus of this article can be placed on the plot development, analysis of the ideological connotation and psychological description of characters of comments. 2, the long story of varied twists and turns, but the language is simple, can let the student through the text, notes, dictionary, read the text, sort out, write the plot outline. 3, in order to make students learn interesting, based on familiar content, cited a similar to its unofficial comparison, to enable students to understand the purpose of the same variant article, and further grasp the theme of cricket. At the end of 4, Cricket, has always been controversial, through discussion, to obtain a more consistent view. Section A An import. Mr. Guo Moruo wrote an antithetical couplet: painting painted ghost (ghost written demon) thorn corrupt thorn child penetrating a cut above others. This is a cultural celebrity in Qing Dynasty wrote, you guess who it is? (Pu Songling) is his masterpiece? Strange Tales from Liaozhai is a what kind of book? Strange Tales from Liaozhai consists of twelve volumes, four hundred and eighty-eight, through the demon ghost story, the people, and all the mixed art picture, exposing the dark feudal society and officialdom evil, corruption and abuse the irony of the imperial examination system,


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