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清代噶瑪蘭廳的建置 陳進傳 宜蘭技術學院 人文及科學教育中心教授 摘 要 清嘉慶十七年(1812 )雖是噶瑪蘭廳公認的建置年代,但翻閱文獻時,又有嘉 慶十五年與十六年的說法,不禁令人困惑。因此,這個長期以來的公案,值得探討, 亟待釐清,以釋疑義。 噶瑪蘭原為化外之地,後來墾民大量移入,拓地日廣,進展順利,凡此成為設 廳的背景。在此基礎上,雖然楊廷理倡議將噶瑪蘭收歸版圖,有識之士,亦申述建 置理由,但上司以地屬偏遠而被駁回。復經多次上書,終獲同意。然籌設過程曾遭 停頓,有所延宕,但由於認真實地勘查,詳細劃定章程,總算圓滿達成任務。 經深入探討後,噶瑪蘭廳的建置年代,十分明確,就是嘉慶十五年奏請,嘉慶 十六年十月批准,嘉慶十七年八月正式設官治理。但設廳之初,卻發生極為罕見的 事件,即誰是首任通判?誠為宜蘭史上的重大疑案,本文亦根據史料,加以稽考, 以澄清真相。 關鍵詞:清代、噶瑪蘭廳、建置、楊廷理 The Establishment of Kehma-lan Ting ( County ) in Ching Dynasty Chinn-chuan Chen Professer, Center for Liberal Arts and Science Education National Ilan Institute of Technaloge Abstract It is generally acknowledged that Kehma-lan Ting (County) was established in the 17th year of Chia-ching in Ching Dynasty (1812). However it is rather puzzling that in some historical documents, the year is stated to be the 15th year or the 16th . The case, waiting to be cleared up for a long time, is considered a worthwhile study. Kehma-lan, an uncivilized region in the early period, was turned into a new colony after the huge migration of planters from China, who opened up considerable area of land. With steady advance of development, the settlement had reached into a community good enough for a ting (county). Yang Ting-li saw this and proposed that Kehma-lan be officially incorporate into China, and the literate men with vision also gave reasons for it. However, the proposal was rejected on account of Kehma-lans being far and remote. After repeated submissions, the Ching authority finally consented to the proposal. With thorough investigation and elaborate plan for rules and regulations, Keh


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