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高教 学刊 思 政 探索 Journal of Higher Education 2016 年5 期 交往实践视阈的主体性德育体系构建* 林良盛 (广东工业大学,广东广州 510006) 摘 要:近几十年来,我国德育十分注重提升受教育者的主体地位,强化德育的主体间关系,强调发挥德育的主 体性,不断优化构建主体性德育模式以求德育的实践实效。但其中仍还存在德育理论与实践不衔接、德育过程与品 德生成规律不贯通、德育发展与社会形态不协调等问题,德育的现状和水平屡遭质疑。从实质看,主体性德育是一个 主体交往实践过程,具有明显的实践主体性、实践体验性、社会开放性和平等交互性等特征。从交往实践视角构建主 体性德育体系,对推进德育发展具有现实价值和意义。 关键词:交往实践;主体性德育;体系构建 中图分类号:G641 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X (2016)05-0260-03 Abstract: In recent few decades, among the moral education of our country, more attention has been paid to promoting the subject status of the educated, strengthening the relationship between the main bodies of moral edu- cation. Furthermore, the government has emphasized the main body of moral education, and constantly optimized the construction of the main body of moral education mode in order to make practice come into effect. But there still exist many problems, including disconnection between the moral education theory and practice, not-so-well linking of the formation of moral education process and moral character, inharmoniousness between the development of moral education and social form. The present situation and the level of moral education have been doubted for several times. Essentially, the main body of moral education is a process for people to communicate and practice, possessing characteristics of practical subjectivity, practical experience, social openness and peace. From the perspective of communicative practice, the construction of the main body of moral education system is valuable and worthy in the moral education development. Keywords: communicative practice; principal part of moral e


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