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50 中 国 园 林 日本传统园林中的意境表达在日本现代园林中的运用 The Application of Artistic Conception Expression from Traditional Japanese Garden to Modern Japanese Garden 张云路 / ZHANG Yun-lu 摘 要:意境作为日本传统园林由被动欣赏转向主动表达的载体,一直是日本传统园林造园家通过空间构建、造园要素和原风景 李 雄 / LI Xiong 引用等手段精心营造的对象。在不断发展的现代社会中,面对新的设计形式和现代造园要素,日本设计师通过对日本传统园林意 章俊华 / ZHANG Jun-hua 境拾取点的活用与抽象达到意境在现代园林的重新营造。通过对日本东京都6个具有代表性的现代作品进行分析,试图探索在空间 暗示、造园要素、尺度模拟、色彩质感抽象和原风景等层面上传统意境在现代日本园林中的表达运用。 关 键 词:风景园林;日本传统园林;日本现代园林;意境表达;运用 文章编号:1000-6664(2011)05-0050-05 中图分类号:TU 986 文献标志码: A 收稿日期:2010-03-29; 修回日期:2010-06-12 Abstract: Artistic conception, as the carrier which makes traditional Japanese garden transform from passive appreciation to active expression, is always the object in traditional Japanese garden which has been built carefully through ways of space layout, garden landscape elements and reference of original nature. With the continuous development of modern society, facing the new design and modern elements, Japanese garden designers rebuild the artistic conception through the modern expression and abstract of traditional artistic conception picking points. The paper tries to explore the methods about the application of artistic conception from traditional Japanese garden to modern Japanese garden in the field of space hint, gardening elements, scale modeling, abstract of color texture and references of original landscape through the analysis about six representative modern works in Tokyo, Japan. Key words: landscape architecture; traditional Japanese garden; modern Japanese garden; artistic conception expression; application 1 意境的本质


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