role of ion-surface interaction at the entry surface on the energy loss of highly charged slow ions in solidsion-surface交互的角色进入表面的能量损失高度带电固体离子缓慢.pdf
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role of ion-surface interaction at the entry surface on the energy loss of highly charged slow ions in solidsion-surface交互的角色进入表面的能量损失高度带电固体离子缓慢
Open Journal of Microphysics, 2011, 1, 53-57
doi:10.4236/ojm.2011.13009 Published Online November 2011 (
Role of Ion-Surface Interaction at the Entry Surface on the
Energy Loss of Highly Charged Slow Ions in Solids
Tapan Nandi
Inter-University Accelerator Center, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, India
E-mail : nanditapan@
Received September 15, 2011; revised October 18, 2011; accepted October 28, 2011
Evidence is obtained from the data of an earlier measurement that the effect of ion-surface interaction on the
stopping power of highly charged slow ions is not at all tiny rather remarkably large, even it supersedes the
bulk stopping power. The stopping power due to the surface interactions is directly proportional to the charge
state of incident ions.
Keywords: Highly Charged Slow Ions, Charge Exchange, Surface Potential, Ion Energy Loss
1. Introduction perimental side. A few years back Srivastava et al. [10]
experimentally observed the surface enhancement in the
Energy dissipation of charged particles moving through stopping power of 1 MeV N+ beam on highly oriented
matter [1] has been of interest since the discovery of pyrolytic graphite. Recently Papaléo et al. [11] reported
charged particles. Long ago Ritchie [2] suggested with direct evidence for a strong dependence of the surface
the basis of surface plasmon theory that a fast electron modification as a function of charge state of the incident
moving through a foil would lose its energy to both bulk ions. It implies tha
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