secular evolution of continental crust recorded from massif-type charnockites of eastern ghats belt, india世俗的大陆地壳的演化记录从massif-type紫苏花岗岩东高止山脉地带,印度.pdf
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secular evolution of continental crust recorded from massif-type charnockites of eastern ghats belt, india世俗的大陆地壳的演化记录从massif-type紫苏花岗岩东高止山脉地带,印度
Vol.2, No.10, 1079-1084 (2010) Natural Science
Secular evolution of continental crust: recorded from
massif-type charnockites of Eastern Ghats belt, India
1 2
Samarendra Bhattacharya , Ashwini Kumar Chaudhary *
1Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India;
2Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India; *Corresponding Author: samar.bhattacharya@.
Received 15 July 2010; revised 18 August 2010; accepted 23 August 2010.
ABSTRACT the later period (post-Archean), significant differences in
key geochemical features have been documented between
It is reasonably well established that the Earth
Archean and later granitic rocks [3-5]. Moreover, tec-
has substantially cooled from the Archean to
tonic setting for Archean magmatism as exemplified by
the present and hence the sites, rates and pro-
TTG remains unresolved. Partial melting may have taken
cesses of crust formation must have changed
place in subducted slabs [6,7] or in underplated basalt
through geologic time. Archean and Proterozoic
beneath thickened crust or oceanic plateau [8]. TTG
granitic rocks are the principal record of such
suites of Archean greenstone belts
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