
seismo-microplasticity phenomenon in the rocksseismo-microplasticity现象在岩石中.pdf

seismo-microplasticity phenomenon in the rocksseismo-microplasticity现象在岩石中.pdf

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seismo-microplasticity phenomenon in the rocksseismo-microplasticity现象在岩石中

Vol.2, No.3, 155-159 (2010) Natural Science /10.4236/ns.2010.23025 Seismo-Microplasticity phenomenon in the rocks* Eduard Innokentevich Mashinskii Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; Received 26 November 2009; revised 8 January 2010; accepted 30 January 2010. ABSTRACT strengthened supposition about some unknown factor in charge of the amplitude dependence of seismic parame- The seismic records of borehole-to-borehole me- ters [10-12]. It is necessary to mark that in Earth’s sci- asurements on frequency of 200 Hz in the mi- ences the microplastic anelasticity is not yet the gener- crostrain range have been analysed. Microplas- ally accepted fact as against solid-state physics. In con- ticity manifestations caused by seismic wave trast to the viscoelasticity, microplasticity appears only are detected on seismic records. It is the lad- when stress reaches critical value. The microplastic strain der-like stepwise change in amplitude course in can increase and decrease, appear and vanish during some parts of the seismic trace. The step dura- increasing stress. The amplitude-dependent effects in tion (time plateau) presents the amplitude- rocks and quartz crystals were interpreted as indirect dependent time delay that shifts the arrival time attributes of microplasticity that is possible even on the and protracts pulse front. The mi



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