病理题(Pathological questions).doc

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病理题(Pathological questions)

病理题(Pathological questions) First, the noun interpretation (3 points per subject, 21 points) 1 acute respiratory failure syndrome 2. metabolic acidosis 3. inflammation 4. hypotonic hypoxemia 5. hepatic failure 6. cancer 7. primary syndromes Two fill in the blanks (1 points per minute, 19 points) 1. the most common organ of steatosis is - - the main cause of this is an obstruction of lipoprotein synthesis - - the synthesis of excessive fatty acid oxidation disorders. 2. shock early arterial blood pressure did not change significantly because the body through the compensatory response to blood volume, cardiac output and peripheral Yinli - induced. 3. the acidic substances in the body are divided into - and - two. 4. the site of the action of the heat activator is the site of endogenous pyrogen action 5. the essence of the tumor is - - determines the tumor -? 6. lobular pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue that is the center of the lung. 7. viral hepatitis is caused by hepatitis viruses, which are the major diseases. The 8. is caused by a virus, acute eczema like benign endoscope. Mostly by means of communication. 9. malignant lymphoma is divided into - and - two. Three, individual choice questions (choose one of the best answers for each question, 1 points per game, 32 points) The main morphological index of 11. cell necrosis is (). A nucleus enlargement, B nuclear shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, nuclear dissolution C. cells were red stained and abnormal substances appeared in D cells Karyoplasmic ratio increased E. 12. the most common type of embolism is (). A gas embolism, a, thromboembolism C. amniotic fluid embolism D. fat embolism E. tumor cell embolism The main feature of 3.D1C is (). The pellets are extensively micro thrombotic and B. coagulation factors are largely consumed C. fibrinolytic process hyperfunction n coagulation dysfunction E. severe bleeding 4. hyperkalemia and hypokalemia can cause (). A. metabolic acidosis, B., metabolic alkalosis C.



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