痴呆的诊断与鉴别(Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementia).doc

痴呆的诊断与鉴别(Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementia).doc

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痴呆的诊断与鉴别(Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementia)

痴呆的诊断与鉴别(Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementia) Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of dementia Dementia is a more serious mental disorder. This refers to the development of the patients brain is basically mature, intelligent development is normal, but after a variety of harmful factors caused by brain damage to the brain, resulting in serious obstacles to intelligence. Common in encephalitis sequelae, Alzheimers disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis, psychosis and paralytic dementia, etc.. At this point, the patients consciousness is usually clear, but his thinking activities become less perfect. Circumstantiality appeared in speech, previous knowledge storage (memory) and computing power has weakened, understanding ability is abate, not on the things around the correct analysis and synthesis of primary and secondary, essential and non essential, not clear distinction, not to criticize the attitude towards the place themselves and the surrounding environment, and often make the wrong judgment and reasoning. Study and work difficult, and sometimes life can not take care of themselves. In addition, in the patients other mental activities, such as emotion and will process, often due to the influence of dementia, there is imbalance between the severity of the disorder. The gradual loss of social emotion, the original emotions and instinctive intentions predominate. In general, the lesions are progressive and often difficult to recover or fail to recover completely. However, if treatment is appropriate, it can prevent further development and the condition may be improved. Dementia Dementia Dementia is caused by a variety of organic factors after the development of intelligence that has been accompanied by secondary brain degeneration caused by brain lesions. Age under 18 years old, not diagnosed with dementia. [pathogeny] 1. brain disease: some cortical and subcortical diseases can cause dementia, a common cause of Alzheimers disease, picks disease, Huntington



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