第二章 药物代谢动力学(The second chapter is pharmacokinetics).doc

第二章 药物代谢动力学(The second chapter is pharmacokinetics).doc

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第二章 药物代谢动力学(The second chapter is pharmacokinetics)

第二章 药物代谢动力学(The second chapter is pharmacokinetics) Individual choice 1., the factors that have nothing to do with drug absorption are () Answer: C Physicochemical properties of A drugs Dosage forms of B drugs C binding rate of drugs to plasma proteins D route of administration E the pH of body fluids 2., a medicine is eliminated by the first stage kinetics, the half-life is 10 hours. After one dose, the medicine basically eliminates the time in vivo Answer: A A 2 days B 1 days C half a day D 3 days E 4 days 3. weakly acidic drugs in acidic urine (?) Answer: B A dissociation, more absorption, slow excretion B less dissociation, more absorption, slow excretion C more free, less absorption, fast excretion D dissociation more, less absorption, excretion fast E or more is wrong 4. the main route of excretion of drugs or their metabolites is () Answer: E A airway B sweat glands C milk D bile E kidney The Which route of administration is most likely to subject a drug to a first-pass effect? Answer: C A Intravenous B Inhalational C Oral D Sublingual E Intramuscular 6., after the biotransformation of drugs, the changes may be Answer: A More than A is possible B toxicity diminished or disappeared C activity increased D polarity increases, which is good for excretion The activity of E disappeared 7.If, a, drug, s, half-life, is, 10h, when, it, repeatedly, administered, at, dosing, that, are, equal, to, its, t1/2, the, time, of, the, intervals, drug, to,, reach, the, is, steady, is, state, concentration,... Answer: D A 10, to, 20h B 20, to, 30h C 30, to, 40H D 40, to, 50h E 60h or more 8., the transmembrane transport of most drugs is () Answer: C A filtration B facilitated diffusion C simple diffusion D active transport E Decoction 9. digoxin t1/2 is 36h, according to the daily dosage, the steady-state concentration of plasma is required Answer: C A 2 days B 5 days C 7-8 days D 10 days E 12 days 10. weakly alkaline drugs in alkaline urine Answer: D A dissociation more, less



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