贫血病治疗保健(Anemia; treatment; health care).doc

贫血病治疗保健(Anemia; treatment; health care).doc

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贫血病治疗保健(Anemia; treatment; health care)

贫血病治疗保健(Anemia; treatment; health care) Anemia in elderly people is mostly secondary anemia and nutritional anemia. The causes of anemia is due to the decrease of digestion and absorption ability, cause some chronic digestive diseases, resulting in iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 in three kinds of hematopoietic growth factor deficiency. Patients with the disease, the daily diet should pay attention to eating iron rich foods include three categories: one is the type of vegetable and fruit, rape, spinach, celery, coriander, leek, mustard, radish, onion, cedar, red dates, peach, apricot, orange, orange, plum, shanligong, Mei Zi; two eggs, egg, goose, ducks egg, quail egg; three is meat, lean beef, lean pork, beef liver, bovine, pig liver, etc.. Patients with this disease should also pay more attention to foods containing folic acid and vitamin B12, which are rich in animal liver, kidney and lean meat, followed by green leafy vegetables and tea. Protein is an important component of all human cells and tissues, and is also the basic substance of hemoglobin, red blood cells and hormones and enzymes. Patients pay attention to diet composition, choose milk, fish, soybeans and bean products and other physiological value of high protein 1) iron deficiency anemia Black beans 30g, glutinous rice 80g, red dates 25g, boiled into three porridge, 2 times a day. The red bean red dates 50g, 100g, 25g, brown sugar, boiled porridge to take 2 times a day, 30 days for a course of treatment. The kelp 100g, Gailan food 100g, boiled vegetables when eating, eating for a long time, can be cured. (2) aplastic anemia Black fungus 60g, red dates 30g, cooked together, add brown sugar consumption, once a day, 12 days for a course of treatment. (3) megaloblastic anemia Just a pig, cut in half, remove part of the pelvis, put warm water after soaking, sliced, drying pulverizing, with boiling water delivery service, once a day, 30 days as a treatment of several diet prescription treating anemia (Qi K



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