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河北工业大学城市学院 毕 业 论 文 作 者: 学 号: 系: 土木系 专业: 交通工程专业 题 目: 高速公路路面结构的使用性能 评定与改建设计 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2012 年 6 月 1 日 毕业论文中文摘要 高速公路路面结构的使用性能评定与改建设计研究 摘要: 随着我国公路等级的不断提高,高等级公路网络的日益完善,高速公路的交通量也随之日益剧增,这对高速公路路面的使用造成了很大的压力,大部分高速公路的路面出现了不同程度的破损。所以如何对高速公路路面使用性能进行检测评定,并根据检测评定的结果对相应的高速公路路面采取何种养护或维修,成为了当前一个十分重要的课题。 路面使用性能包括功能性能、结构性能、结构承载能力、安全性能几个方面。路面损坏状况、路面行驶质量、路面车辙深度、路面抗滑性能和路面结构强度Use of the highway pavement structure performance assessment and Reconstruction Design study Abstract: With the increasing level of road, highway network has improved steadily, and highway traffic also will be growing surge, which caused a lot of pressure on the use of the highway pavement, most of the highway pavementsvarying degrees of damage. Highway pavement performance evaluation of detection, and assessed by the detection results taken by conservation or maintenance of the highway pavement has become a very important topic. Pavement performance, including aspects of functional performance, structural performance, structural bearing capacity, safety performance. Use of the highway pavement structure performance assessment in general, clear and direct the use of performance evaluation of sub-indicators. These indicators include road damage status indicators, road quality indicators, indicators of pavement rut depth, pavement skid performance indicators, and pavement structural strength indicators. The general measures taken damaged the highway pavement routine maintenance, minor repairs, repair, overhaul and renovation and expansion. This paper focuses on the use of the pavement structure performance assessment and Reconstruction Design study and hope to be helpful later. Keywords:Highway Asphalt Pavement Pavement performance evaluation Reconstruction Design 毕业论文外文摘要 目 次 1 绪论 - 1 - 1.1 研究的目的


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