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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Creating an Organization That Operates Consistently Many business values include: Operating with honesty and integrity, staying true to corporate principles 诚信经营 Operating according to standards of ethical conduct, in words and action 按照伦理规范的标准经营,在口头和行动上。 Treating colleagues, customers, and consumers with respect 对待同事,客户,和消费者都要尊重。 Striving to be the best at what matters most to the company 努力对公司最重要的部分做得最好 Accepting personal responsibility for actions 接受个人的行为负责 Valuing diversity 重视多样性 Making decisions based on facts and principles 基于事实和原则做出决策 * Fostering Good Business Practices Good ethics means good business/improved profits Companies that: Produce safe and effective products Avoid costly recalls(召回) and lawsuits(法律诉讼 ) Provide excellent service Maintain customers Develop and maintain strong employee relations 发展并保持良好的员工关系 Suffer less turnover(职工流动率) Enjoy better employee morale(士气) * Good Ethics Can Mean Good Business (continued) Suppliers and other business partners prefer companies that operate in a fair and ethical manner(公平和道德的方式) Bad ethics can lead to bad business results Examples: 员工对企业不积极的态度 员工对企业的报复行为 员工士气很低 员工对企业漠不关心 * Protecting the Corporation and Its Employees from Legal Actions U.S. Supreme Court established that an employer can be held responsible for the acts of its employees This principle is called respondeat superior Coalition of several legal organizations argues establishment of ethics and compliance programs should reduce criminal liability of organization Others argue company officers should not be given light sentences if their ethics programs are ineffective * Avoiding Unfavourable Publicity Public reputation (公众声誉)of company strongly influences Value of its stock(股票价值) How consumers regard products and services Degree of oversight (监督程度)received from government agencies Amount of support and cooperation received from business par



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