美国网民竟然这样看中国高铁 自豪 中英文互译版.doc

美国网民竟然这样看中国高铁 自豪 中英文互译版.doc

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美国网民竟然这样看中国高铁 自豪 中英文互译版

美国网民中国高铁12月26日,世界上运营里程最长的高速铁路北京至广州高速铁路将全线贯通,全程仅需7小时59分。京广高铁总长度为2200公里,运行速度将达到约每小时300公里。按照规划,2015年,中国高铁总长度将达到1。8万公里,京广线开通后达到9300公里。因此,中国高铁里程在全世界居首位。 美国很热门的政治讨论类论坛freerepublic上网民看到中国的武汉那条世界最快的铁路只用了4年就建成通车后,情绪激动。以下是美国人的回复和简要翻译:It is amazing how quickly things may be built when you don’’t have to worry about appeasing the environmentalist. It’’s as simple as that. 1 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:20:36 by OldDeckHand 我很惊讶, 在没有环保主义疯子干扰下, 工程的进度可以如此之快 China is doing incredible things while we rot and decay ... 4 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:27:30 by Scythian 中国正在创造伟大,而我们却在腐烂和衰败 I have to admit that I love the station architecture. Bright and open with the trains right out on center stage, not shoved into a dark basement like they are at Union Station here in Chicago. The Chinese measure their success by the things they build, and they are justly proud of their feats of engineering. Where we turn out ethnic studies graduates they turn out electrical engineers. I worry most about adversaries that are builders. The fanatics burn out, you can outlast them like we did with the Russians. The thieves destroy themselves. But the builders grow stronger with every day that goes by. 爱国交流理性平台 5 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:27:54 by GonzoGOP (There are milli** of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.) 必须承认,我很喜欢他们明亮的火车站设计,比芝加哥那个灰色阴暗的火车站强多了.中国人用伟大的工程来衡量他们的成就, 为自己的工程奇迹自豪,而我们现在成天浪费时间在种族关系学科上,他们则学习电子工程.我最担心我们对手的实力就是他们的工程师,狂热的意识形态信徒很好对付,就如我们对付俄国人那样, 但工程师会每时每刻不断变强. To: OldDeckHand I also note that there were no UNION Thugs/Leeches getting their 25% cut on this deal and drawing this c**truction out to a typical 15-25 years. For a comparison compare notes on the Boston Big Dig which was 350% over budget and still 20+ years overdue... but hey its a Democrat c**truction job in a overwhelmingly democrat state. 9 posted on 2009年12月28日 20:34:33 by prophetic (0Bama? 1 illegal president? 32 illegal, unc**titutional unnecessary CZARS to do his job!!) 他们根本没有工会的吸血鬼看看我们的波士顿的工程,由于贪婪的工会吸血鬼


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