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宝钢镀锡产品介绍 宝钢镀锡产品介绍 宝宝钢钢镀镀锡锡产产品品介介绍绍 宝钢镀锡产品介绍 宝钢镀锡产品介绍 宝宝钢钢镀镀锡锡产产品品介介绍绍 Baosteel’s Tin Mill Products Baosteel’s Tin Mill Products BBaaoosstteeeell’’ss TTiinn MMiillll PPrroodduuccttss Baosteel’s Tin Mill Products Baosteel’s Tin Mill Products BBaaoosstteeeell’’ss TTiinn MMiillll PPrroodduuccttss Introduction Introduction IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Introduction Introduction IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 林永增 提纲 Outline 提纲 Outline 提提纲纲 OOuuttlliinnee 提纲 Outline 提纲 Outline 提提纲纲 OOuuttlliinnee • 简介 General Intro • 产品特性 Features • 产品用途 Applications • 制造工艺 Manufacturing Process • 供货规格 Available Specifications • 使用须知 Usage Precautions 林永增 简介 简介 General Intro 简简介介 General Intro GGeenneerraall IInnttrroo 镀锡产品的定义 1 镀锡产品的定义 Definition 镀镀锡锡产产品品的的定定义义 1 镀锡产品的定义 Definition 11 镀锡产品的定义 DDeeffiinniittiioonn 1 镀镀锡锡产产品品的的定定义义 Definition 1 Definition 11 DDeeffiinniittiioonn 镀锡产品包括电镀锡板、电镀铬板和原板。镀锡板在钢板表面电镀一层金 属锡,镀铬板在带钢表面经电镀形成金属铬层和氧化铬层,均具有非常漂 亮的金属光泽,优异的耐性蚀和涂饰性。 Tin mill products include electrolytic tinplate, and electrolytic chromium coated steel (also referred to as tin free steel or TFS), and Black Plate. Tinplate is a thin steel sheet coated by tin, while TFS is an electrolytic chrome plated steel consisting of a thin layer of chromium and a layer of chromium oxide deposited on the steel base. The coating gives both of them a beautiful, metallic luster as well as excellent properties in corrosion resistance and paintability. 林永增


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