现场造价员郑重承诺(Site cost staff solemn commitment).doc

现场造价员郑重承诺(Site cost staff solemn commitment).doc

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现场造价员郑重承诺(Site cost staff solemn commitment)

现场造价员郑重承诺(Site cost staff solemn commitment) This article is contributed by qq12046 DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. The cost of staff is our solemn commitment treasure group Jinzhou real estate development industry leading enterprises, this group has several projects, Manhattan treasure city A District, treasure city D district and other key development projects, each project has a cost of personnel in the field of technical change visa concrete and foundation engineering surveying. For the cost of personnel in terms of cost reduction, cost control, is our duty, to do a better job, the cost of personnel in the field of the same resolution, from the following aspects to do their work: 1, responsible for work, such as on-site visa, must strictly fulfill the principles and procedures of the company, the actual we should bear the cost of the do the actual measurement, strictly abide by the relevant quota calculation rules, embodies the principle of good faith company. 2, strictly check, not because of our reasons for the cost of visas, absolutely not signed, if the construction units do not understand, will patiently communicate with the construction unit, so that each expenditure has been well documented. 3, strict audit of construction units reported a large amount of material planning. 4, do a good job in the basic works and hidden works of the number of approved, and make a detailed record. 5, take the customer as the center, for the engineering staff, we face the customer is all construction units, we actively cooperate with construction units to do work visa, the measured data do allow the construction units to confirm after accounting, do not make things difficult for the construction unit, And promptly handle the problems raised by construction units, improve work efficiency. In case of dispute, we use the company system and the quota to persua


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