硬 笔 书 法 基 本 笔 画 教 学 点 滴 谈(A brief talk on basic strokes teaching in hard handwriting).doc

硬 笔 书 法 基 本 笔 画 教 学 点 滴 谈(A brief talk on basic strokes teaching in hard handwriting).doc

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硬 笔 书 法 基 本 笔 画 教 学 点 滴 谈(A brief talk on basic strokes teaching in hard handwriting)

硬 笔 书 法 基 本 笔 画 教 学 点 滴 谈(A brief talk on basic strokes teaching in hard handwriting) A brief talk on basic strokes teaching in hard handwriting Abstract: Writing in primary school students to form and improve the lifelong learning calligraphy plays an important role in the ability and level, has an important influence on the correct writing of basic strokes to improve writing level. By cultivating students interest in calligraphy, teachers implement effective teaching methods, guide students to persevere in training and effective evaluation, and play a key role in the correct writing of the basic strokes. Key words: interest, methods, training, evaluation ? The Ministry of educations basic education curriculum reform program (Trial Implementation) points out: in the compulsory education stage, we should strengthen the teaching of writing in Chinese and art classes.. The importance of writing teaching is emphasized. Chinese course standard explicitly requires: (3 ~ 4 grade) stage to write in block letters words skillfully use pen, normative and correct, neat. In the teaching of calligraphy for several years, I find that the mastery and ability of students to master the basic strokes of hard strokes, and their writing skills, have a crucial influence on the overall level of writing. Here are some of your own attempts at teaching. First, cultivate interest. Interest is the best teacher. Interest is the motive force for students to learn calligraphy. I often use it in teaching: (1) vivid stories, entertaining and entertaining. Chinese ancient and modern there have been countless outstanding calligraphy masters, they left us a lot of moving stories. In the course of teaching, I told the students some stories about calligraphers in time to arouse their interest in calligraphy. As Zhang Zhi pond school books, water ink ; St. Wang Xizhi mistook as calligraphy ink dipped to eat mashed garlic Steamed Buns; Wang Xizhi; Huai Su pen into the mound ; Zhang Xu to moisten the ink;



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