第六章 氨基酸的代谢(The sixth chapter is amino acid metabolism).doc

第六章 氨基酸的代谢(The sixth chapter is amino acid metabolism).doc

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第六章 氨基酸的代谢(The sixth chapter is amino acid metabolism)

第六章 氨基酸的代谢(The sixth chapter is amino acid metabolism) The sixth chapter amino acid metabolism _ Sina education _ - News - Home - Entertainment Sports Game - - - - - mailbox search SMS Chat - weather - Q - Navigation Sina Home Sina Education 2004 postgraduate entrance examination The sixth chapter is amino acid metabolism Http:// 2003/05/23 14:10 double doctor series test questions Type A problem 1. Protein physiological value depends mainly on the The number of A amino acids. Type B amino acids. The number of C. Essential amino acid D types of essential amino acids. Types, quantity and proportion of essential amino acid E. 2. The main way of transamination deamination of the amino acid is not, because A. Aminotransferase in not widely distribution in vivo The specificity of B. The effect of transaminase is not strong Coenzyme C. Transaminase deficiency D. Just transamination, no free ammonia E. Transaminase activity was weak 3. Ammonia is mainly based on which of the following forms of transportation in the blood A glutamic acid. B aspartic acid. C glutamine. D asparagine. E glutathione. The raw material for the synthesis of creatine is 4. A arginine and ornithine. B ornithine and citrulline. C arginine and glycine. D arginine and citrulline. E ornithine and glycine. The key enzyme is ornithine cycle 5. A. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I B. Arginase C. Ornithine carbamoyl transferase D urease. E. Argininosuccinase 6. Which of the following is by taurine and amino acid metabolism A methionine. B cysteine. C threonine. D glycine. E glutamic acid. 7. The ornithine cycle formation of urea, the molecules of the two nitrogen atoms from a direct free ammonia, another directly from A ornithine. B cystine. C arginine. D aspartic acid. E glycine. 8. The following substances into CO2 and H2O in vivo oxidation, while producing ATP, which produces up to ATP A glycerol. B pyruvate. C lactic acid. D glutamic acid. E acetylacetic. 9. The following amino acid in which one canno



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