管道支架安装(Installation of pipe support).doc

管道支架安装(Installation of pipe support).doc

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管道支架安装(Installation of pipe support)

管道支架安装(Installation of pipe support) I. The setting principle of hangers and hangers The commonly used pipe supports and hangers are divided into fixed support, movable support, guiding bracket, hanger and so on. The layout and type of pipe hanger should meet the compensation and load, the displacement of the pipeline, and pay attention to reduce the vibration of the pipeline; in addition, must also consider the pipeline stability, strength and stiffness and medium temperature and pressure, and easy to manufacture and to save steel. Expansion requirements of the pipeline, where any displacement is not allowed, should set a fixed bracket; only one-way pipe horizontal displacement allowed in horizontal pipe should be installed where the guide bracket or activities with hangers; the vertical displacement of the places in the pipeline, should be equipped with active support; support level near the installation of square compensator or bend, should choose the sliding bracket (belonging to the movable bracket to make pipeline), free to move laterally. In addition, the continuous use of hangers on a pipeline is not too much, should be in place to set up steel support, in order to avoid pipe swinging. Two, construction process: There are many comprehensive pipelines in this project, and the types and technical requirements of the support and hanger forms are complicated. Description and classification of 2.1. through wall pipe cross beam installation; Most of the pipelines that go through the wall are made of back expansion bolts and shaped steel. But the pipeline before installation of large beam according to load and embedded matching specific pipeline embedded parts. With the construction, mechanical and electrical professionals must work closely with the progress of the project, civil engineering, structural engineering, do a good job of pre embedded work, and strengthen the inspection, must not be omitted. In the process of pipeline construction, all kinds of suspender



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