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Background Introduction: Coleman Report is equal to “Equality of educational opportunity on the report” which Professor Coleman of American Johns Hopkins University submitted to Congress in 1966. The Report on education issues related to the United States and the world has a very extensive and significant impact, is considered the most famous quantitative research report in the history of American social science. Richard. D. Kahlenberg. Learning from James Coleman,/p/articles/mi_m0377/is_2001_Summer/ai The International background Equality of educational opportunity since the 20th century became a hot issue in many countries, especially after World War II, the concept of educational equality and democratization of education by the people concerned. The American background (1) From the perspective of the development of American society after World War II equal opportunities in education issues have been unprecedented attention. “1944 service members Adjustment Act”《1944年服役人员调整法》即《士兵法案》; 1950, “higher horizon program” (更高视野计划)和 1965“ head start”(头脑启迪计划); 1954,Brown decision (布朗裁决) It stressed that students of different races are unequal to isolate; In 1964 the U.S. adopted a new Civil Rights Act, section 402 propose that the state will investigate the public education system from all levels. The American background (2) Professor Coleman and his team collected the data throughout the United States 1170 Secondary Schools and 3200 Primary schools (more than 4000 in all),and about 6000 students. Then they spent three months analyzing the data, and this is the world famous Coleman Report. It is turn to Li Chen…… Conclusion of the report(1) From the survey analysis, Coleman reached the following conclusions: 1. There was a serious question of apartheid in American public schools. Through investigation of American primary and secondary students′racial situation, it found that: In minority populations, the degree


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