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200 9 12 浙 江 艺 术 职 业 学 院 学 报 D ecem ber, 200 9 7 4 Journa l of Zh ej iang V ocat iona lA cad em y of A rt V o l7 N o4 ( 2009) 0400 3307 冯存凌 ! 本文通过对歌德诗歌文本意向和结构的解读, 对贝多芬 伯特 曼李斯特和沃尔 夫 5位作曲家艺术歌曲创作特点的考察和对他们所谱曲的 5首 迷娘之歌! 的分析, 试图把握 5位作曲家在这种音乐体裁中创作手法和创作风格的差异, 进而对 19世纪德奥艺术歌曲的总 体风格进行描述和概括, 并重新认识 曼在这一体裁发展中的历史作用 诗歌文本; 传统的艺术歌曲; 钢琴小品 艺术歌曲; 艺术歌曲钢琴化; 曼的作用 J604 A Com parison o f C rea tive Expression s and S tyles of F ive G oethe∀ s Poetry A rt SongsL ied derM ignon FENG C unling Abs trac t: By an alyzing the text and th e structu re of G oethe∀ s poetry, the paper stu d ies th e ch aracteris t ics of B eethoven, S chubert, Schum ann, L iszt and W olf∀ s art songs and five songs of L ied d er M ignon th ey com posed. T he pap er attemp ts to se ize the d ifferen ces of the f ive com posers creative expression s and creative sty les in th is mu sical gen re, and thu s describes and gen era lizes the overall style of G erm an and A u strian A rt Songs in the 19 th cen tu ry. It has a n ew understan d ing of S chum ann∀ s h istorical ro le in the developm en t o f th is m us ical gen re. Key w o rds: poetry tex t; trad it ion al art songs; p iano p ieces in art songs; p ianob ased art songs; S chu m ann∀ s role ( D as R om an tische L ied) 19 , , , JW V ! 5 , 5 , 19 2 0090527 ( 1970 ) , , , , , , ( 7 10 06 1) # 34#


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