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摘 要 T、K、YT、K、Y 本文针对T、K、YY (K)形节点的结构参数为基础,建立了超声波检测的声束方程,通过该方程确定了节点焊缝中缺陷的方位。与其他方法比,该方法可以准确定位,同时可以提高超声无损检测的效率。在T型焊缝的缺陷定位研究中,涉及到缺陷分布规律和缺陷波形分析,并且介绍了伪波形的判断,增加了诊断结果的效率和准确性。 关键词:T、K、Y Abstract T、K、Y joint is widely used in project due to its fine appearance and mechanics performance. However, comparing with flat, its geometric shape is so specific and complex that need new way to adapt in ultrasonic testing. This article ultrasonic detection technology, according to the characteristics of TKY type weld, respectively discussing their testing process. In the research analysis Y (K) type pipe the characteristics of ultrasonic flaw detection nodes in node, analyzes the geometric feature of sound in the propagation rules of welded structure. At the base of the structural parameters, the acoustic beam equation can be determined the orientation of the weld can be defected by the equation. Comparing with other methods, the method can accurately orientation and can improve the efficiency of ultrasonic nondestructive testing . On T weld defect location study, involving the p-wave detection and shear waves detection methods, the results found that both methods can improve the use of detected defects ability to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the diagnosis. Keyword: T、 K、 Y weldUltrasonic testing, Defect location, Detection waveform, Beam equation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 无损检测的种类 1 1.2.1 射线检测(RT) 2 1.2.2 涡流检测(ET) 2 1.2.3 磁粉检测(MT) 3 1.2.4 渗透检测(PT) 3 1.2.5 超声波检测(UT) 4 1.3 T、K、Y焊缝的超声波检测的主要难点 5 1.4 超声波无损检测的研究状况 6 1.5本课题主要研究内容 6 第2章 T、K、Y接头试件的制备 7 2.1 管材的选择 7 2.2 焊材的选择 7 2.2.1保护气的选择 7 2.2.2 焊丝的选择 8 2.3 焊接方法的选择 8 2.4 焊前准备 8 2.4.1 坡口的设计 9 2.4.2 坡口的加工方法与清理 9 2.5 焊接参数的选择 9 2.5.1 焊接电流的选择 9 2.5.2 电弧电压的选择 10 2.5.3 焊接速度的选择 10 2.6焊接具体操作 10 2.6.1 焊前检查及调节 10 2.6.2 焊接工艺 10 第3章 T、K、Y焊缝的超声波探伤 11 3.1 T、K、Y管节点焊缝作为检测对象的特点 11 3.2 探头的选择 11 3.3 Y(K)型焊缝的超声波检测 12 3.3.1 Y(K)型焊缝的特点 12 3.3.2传统方法对缺陷进行定位(里波反射法) 13 3.3.3 Y(K)型焊缝缺陷的定位 16 3.3.4 Y(K)型焊缝检测时的影响因素 20 3.4 T型焊缝的超声波检测 22


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