调查与决策——《灾后重建中对口支援问题研究》(Investigation and decision making -- Research on counterpart support in post disaster reconstruction).doc

调查与决策——《灾后重建中对口支援问题研究》(Investigation and decision making -- Research on counterpart support in post disaster reconstruction).doc

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调查与决策——《灾后重建中对口支援问题研究》(Investigation and decision making -- Research on counterpart support in post disaster reconstruction)

调查与决策——《灾后重建中对口支援问题研究》(Investigation and decision making -- Research on counterpart support in post disaster reconstruction) Investigation and decision (Reference) Thirty-ninth issue Research on counterpart support in post disaster reconstruction Research group of Policy Research Office of Sichuan provincial Party committee of China The 5. 12 Wenchuan earthquake caused great losses to peoples lives, property and the economy and society, and the task of recovery and reconstruction after the disaster was arduous. The Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council attached great importance to the recovery and reconstruction work in our province, and established the counterpart support mechanism according to the principle of one province to help a heavy hit County. National efforts to help the disaster areas to speed up the restoration and reconstruction. In order to make good use of this mechanism and promote the two acceleration, the forces of our organization have been successively investigated in Shifang, Mianzhu, Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Songpan and Chongzhou, and the following reports have been formed. I. major progress In accordance with the State Council Wenchuan earthquake restoration and reconstruction of the targeted aid plan requirements, our province has formulated the Wenchuan earthquake restoration and reconstruction targeted aid implementation opinions, the 18 provinces and cities in our province targeted aid 18 hardest hit counties for the overall deployment. For more than a year, the strong leadership of the provincial government, in full support of the 18 provinces of the targeted aid, the hardest hit City State and the recipient counties close cooperation and hard work, I post disaster restoration and reconstruction aid work smoothly, achieved remarkable results. (a) the construction of counterpart aid projects is progressing smoothly. The support and recipient counties cities active consultation, start a group, ready to take a number, planning a nu


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