迈向动画监督之路(The road to animation supervision).doc

迈向动画监督之路(The road to animation supervision).doc

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迈向动画监督之路(The road to animation supervision)

迈向动画监督之路(The road to animation supervision) Sayama Masako opens a column to show you how to lead the way! Once directed the OVA Angel Sanctuary, TVA vampire knight series and SKIP BEAT and other works of the famous female animation director Sayama Masako, in the spare time also with animation fans have a close communication. In many units of her personal website Shi Hang down in my time on the zeta read her life to share with fans or something and experience in the industry. At the end of 2008, Sayama Masako received a message from friends about how to become an animation supervisor, and decided to open a new section to explain in detail. As a result, the column towards the road of animation supervision was officially opened in December 2008. In the column prologue, Sayama Masako introduces his experience, describe how to step into the position of animation supervision. In 2009, 2 and 16, in the first chapter, she officially entered the theme, began to introduce the animation industrys most important position - animation supervision. CCSX detailed translation as follows, I believe that we read this article, you can better understand the Japanese animation supervision responsibilities, and the work of it. ~ Chapter 1 ~! The work of Japanese animation, let me teach you a little The following titles are responsible for this kind of work (1) make When animation is made, people who are responsible for coordinating personnel, managing materials, raising funds, and controlling time. Just like a broker, you must always be familiar with all progress during production. In this field, is responsible for production management, making these people called production data, in the production or play. If its a person who collects and manages animation related settings, its called setting up. The group leader, while the highest responsibility is also a cartoon in the business, is known as the data communication, sytec (producer), fierce. (2) script writer Screenwriter. He should be i


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