运动性哮喘的危害(The harm of exercise-induced asthma).doc

运动性哮喘的危害(The harm of exercise-induced asthma).doc

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运动性哮喘的危害(The harm of exercise-induced asthma)

运动性哮喘的危害(The harm of exercise-induced asthma) The harm of exercise-induced asthma There are many kinds of asthma, and sports asthma, as its name suggests, is the asthma disease that occurs after exercise. This disease is quite painful for our normal lives. The presence of allergies, patients can not do strenuous exercise, which for sports loving people, if suffering from exercise-induced asthma, then the harm is immeasurable fact. So, to understand the dangers of allergic asthma, lets get to know what a form of exercise asthma is. The main symptoms of exercise-induced asthma: wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, dyspnea, chest pain, but also mental tension, stomach discomfort, sore throat and other symptoms, no typical symptoms of asthma, but some patients such as headache, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, fatigue and exercise in the same sense, but before and after lung movement function determination can be found in bronchial spasm. What are the dangers of exercise induced asthma? First, take a look at the pathogenesis of exercise-induced asthma: exercise asthma refers to the exclusion of other factors causing asthma attacks, after a certain amount of exercise and induce typical asthma symptoms of a disease. Can be increased with increasing the amount of exercise in clinic for more than 90% of the patients with asthma and wheeze, and many of the exercise test confirmed the diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma patients, contact allergens or respiratory tract infections and other factors can also induce the onset of asthma. So many people do not have exercise-induced asthma as an independent disease to treat, but the movement is seen as a factor to induce asthma, in the clinical part of patients, exercise is the only factor to induce the onset of asthma, according to the effective study found that 64% of patients with exercise-induced asthma pulmonary function is normal, but never had asthma history, these patients to exercise challenge test can help


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