通便妙法!长期便秘百试百灵(The long-term laxative! Constipation 100 test Braun).doc

通便妙法!长期便秘百试百灵(The long-term laxative! Constipation 100 test Braun).doc

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通便妙法!长期便秘百试百灵(The long-term laxative! Constipation 100 test Braun)

通便妙法!长期便秘百试百灵(The long-term laxative! Constipation 100 test Braun) Constipation is more common among elderly people. Due to constipation, stool in the gut retention time is too long, the ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, indole, nitrosamines and other toxic substances can not be excreted, absorbed into the blood, causing some harm to the organism. The investigation found that constipation is easy to induce dizziness, palpitations, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, memory loss, skin itching, pigmentation, bad breath and other sub health symptoms. In addition, constipation due to frequent dry stool hard, prone to anal fissure, hemorrhoids, bleeding and other clinical symptoms, serious cases can cause anemia. Constipation is also a risk factor for Alzheimers disease and intestinal cancer. Sometimes, constipation can also endanger life, such as high blood pressure patients often because of constipation and forced breath holding, the light causes blood pressure to rise, in severe cases lead to stroke and sudden death. Therefore, although people think that constipation is not a major problem, but the harm caused by constipation and the quality of life of the elderly can not be ignored. First, constipation causes Many causes of constipation, in addition to organic diseases (such as gastrointestinal obstruction, intestinal tumor) reasons, the main cause of constipation is generally bad eating habits, lifestyle, psychological factors. (1) inadequate intake of dietary fiber With Chinas economic development and the improvement of living standards, people have been increasing the consumption of animal food, chicken, duck, fish, meat and other meat to eat more, eat less Cereals, rice, and fine surface. Because the food is too fine, dietary fiber intake is reduced, making intestinal peristalsis slowly, constipation and constipation caused by constipation. According to our resident nutrition survey, the average daily dietary fiber intake has dropped from 26 grams in the past to 17 grams.


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